Saturday, July 29, 2006
Two Weeks and Counting
The August team, led by Moldova Guru Miller Hancock, will be doing construction work . As Scott Harris is so found of reminding us, we must be flexible, and in true fashion our work assignments have already changed several times and we have yet to leave the USA. No matter what we work on , we will do in with the love of Christ in our hearts and use the time to bond with the orphans and translators we work with. Maybe we will even have the opportunity to introduce a few of them to our best friend, Jesus!!!
Stay tuned for more on our trip Aug 12-20, 2006.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Three trips down, and many more to come...
There is just something about the orphans in's something that I can't quite put my finger on, but it's something that keeps drawing me back to this tiny country. I'm still sick and still trying to get over jet lag, but whenever someone asks me about my trip and the kids, all of that goes away. I'm always so eager and willing to talk to anyone who will listen. Someone needs to speak up for all of these precious children...
I will never forget the kids in my Bible study all raising their hands to tell me that they've accepted Christ into their hearts. I will never forget washing the children's feet in that tiny cabin. I will never forget hearing them giggle while I tickled their feet as I put lotion on them after we washed them. I will never forget seeing them run to the buses as we pulled up each day. I will never forget the "Cristina and Jasica's," the "Elmira's and Jasica's," and the "Sasa's and Jasica's" that were written on the mirrors, canvs bags, and other things made each day during craft time. I will never forget Sasa beating me in arm wrestling. I will never forget dancing with Iura to songs from the 50's. I will never forget painting nails that I tried my best to make beautiful but there was just so much dirt on their tiny hands. And, most of all, I won't forget being told "I love you," hugged so tightly that it hurt, and the tears that fell from their eyes and from my own as I left on Friday. It's moments like these and many more that melt your heart. It's moments like these that keep me returning to Moldova...
There is something about each and every kid that I have met in my three trips to Moldova that makes me want everything and more for them. It breaks my heart to know that not every child will make it, that every child has been hurt in some way, but it gives me hope to know that God loves His children in every way more ways than what I will EVER be able to...
I told myself before leaving this time that this just might be my last time to go to Moldova. I'm in college and money doesn't grow on trees for me. However, before even stepping off the plane in Chisinau, I knew that this was by far not my last trip. Every child I have met and have yet to meet keep me coming back every few months...
All I can do is sit and wait until my next opportunity to go back to Moldova, and in the meantime I will cherish every moment that I have spent with the children I have grown to love in countless ways. Not a day goes by where I don't think of them. I constantly pray for them. Sometimes, I think people get tired of hearing me talk about Moldova, but I don't care, each child is worth every conversation with anyone...I used to think that I would go on trips such as these to help other people, but I have realized that these children are the ones who show God's love to me and who bless me in ways I can't even fathom...they're all precious bundles of joy that completely melt my heart...
Friday, July 21, 2006
Tomorrow, tomorrow...
there are so many stories that will be much better in person, trust me. our team is incredible and Emily has provided outstanding leadership :) I was able to reinforce relationships I built last summer, especially with my sponsor child, Carolina.....and also make many more new little friends. it was wonderful sharing hugs and kisses with Dad's sponsored boys and their older sister Mariana. They are such beautiful children (as all the kids are). Dad - One of the men on our team really bonded with Gehorge (sp.?) and Trofim, and I would love for him to be able to tell you a couple stories about them. Everyday when I arrived they called out my name and ran to give me a hug. I also played ball and stuff with them throughout the day.
I am really sore from doing recreation with kids for 5 days in a row! I'm so out of shape! I have tons of pictures to share of the kids and also of the country and the things we saw. Our drive to and from the camp every day proved very entertaining :) I have laughed SO much this week with our team members! This trip has been even better than last year. I'm not excited about the 20 or so hours of travel we have ahead of us, but I'm trying to look on the bright side!
Well I should wrap this up. Thanks to everyone for the prayers....they have worked in amazing ways! I will be home soon!
For me to...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Heading home tomorrow
This is Laura. Yes, I forgot my password.
Nu Plinge (dont cry)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hugs from Moldova!
Cel mai bun ziua...
Lots of chickens have had to die for us to come to Moldova!
Message to USA from Willa
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Sandy speaks from Moldova
Greetins from Moldova
the toilet paper is PINK!!!!!
Sam and Susan Sharpe say "Hello"
Monday, July 17, 2006
This is Emily reporting from Balti, Moldova...
One major piece of Mihai is not here. I thought he would be and found out he wasn't when I got here Saturday ngiht. :( Apparently he is with a family in a village near Drochia. He was here a couple weeks ago when another team was here, but they sent him back once the team left. He MIGHT come tomorrow - on the bread truck that comes every day. I certainly hope so. I have been very sad about this, so please pray that he will come tomorrow. On the other hand I know God has a perfect plan and purpose for this trip, and I am getting to spend lots of precious time with new kids that I might not have met if Mihai was here. I've spent a LOT of time with some of my friend's sponsored kids like Angela, Aliona, Vasile. I spend most of my time walking around camp, trying to bond with the kids that are by themselves or not participating.
One kid's name is Jura (different than the one I mentioned before). The teachers told me he's no good..causes trouble. But I find him quite adorable and am determined to love him this week. He has definitely opened up to me and seems to always be at my side. He meets me at the van in the morning and walks me to the van when we leave. It's amazing how love - unconditional - can melt the coldest heart. We're all doing really well. Everyone is healthy, getting along great.
Oh...I almost forgot. The sunflowers are in bloom! I missed them last summer (I was here in June). But they are in full bloom. It's one of the most amazing things I've EVER seen. It's literally a field of gold. Sunflowers as far as the eye can see. When you're driving in this amazing countryside, you forget you're in a third world country. The landscape is so beautiful and fertile. I wish you all could see it for yourself. A picture does not do it justice. Maybe some of you WILL see it someday! ;) Thank you all so much for your prayers. Keep it up. Stay tuned and love to all...E
Moldova musings!
Taking life for granted...
I have been transported
"People pray when they ask Jesus into their hearts"
One more day down in Falesti, and I must say that rain and all it was a good one...I won't get into all that we did today at camp like recreation, arts and crafts, yada, yada, yada because what happened in my Bible Study with the 12 years olds is a great story all in itself...Don, Sam, and I are the leaders for a group of 17 12 year olds, mostly boys. Today was my turn to lead the Bible lesson, and our topic was prayer. I talked about when to pray, why we pray, and other such things, and I asked my group of kids to go around and say one thing that they were thankful for and give me a reason that makes them pray. What happened next threw me completely off guard because I wasn't prepared for such an amazing thing. One of the kids said that people pray when they ask Jesus into their hearts. Good, good answer...this led me to ask them who had accepted Christ into their hearts. Before I tell you what was said, I have to tell you that I asked a lot of these same kids the same question when I was here in January and only a few raised their hands and an argument started between the kids. Well, this time was a lot different...all but two of my kids raised their hands before the translator even finished asking the question. For some reason, it threw me for a loop and I broke down. I cried see these same kids that I asked the same question to a few months ago be so eager to tell me that they had all accepted Christ touched me in so many ways, words really can't describe. I think me crying confused the kids because they thought that they had done something to make me mad or upset because I was crying but I quickly explained to them that I was happy and that what they just told me, well actually showed me by raising their hands, would NEVER make me upset. I was so taken aback by such a powerful moment that Don had to step in and pick up for me because I could speak...these precious children left me completely little Ludmila that I met at Christmas isn't here, but I picked up on building relationships with two other children that I met at Christmas. Both of them asked me if I remembered them and ever since then Sasha and Christina haven't left my side. I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I do know that at this moment I belong here...Oh yeah, today was the first Bible study I have ever led in my entire life, and I msut say that it was an amazing one, don't you think?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Day One- Moldova
My first 24hrs in Falesti
A whole new world!!!!
A whole new world!!!!
All the Little Blessing....
Friday, July 14, 2006
Moldova bound!!
Well, the day is finally here - July 14th - and we're headed to Moldova. 20 team members are going to Falesti, Moldova to minister to over 100 orphans and teachers. Stay tunes for tales of our adventures. Please pray today for safe travels, all of our bags to arrive, and that we make it through customs with all of our supplies. Thank you in advance for your prayers. We know God has big plans in store for us these next 8 days. La revedere!
Pictured above: (first row) Susan Sharpe, Jane Thompson, Martha Blair Thompson, Sam Sharpe, Willa Sharpe, Rhonda Walsh, Bekah Beasley. (back row) Laurie Toft, Sandy Lyons, Will Turnipseed, Sunny Smith, Don Meyer, Lexi Toft, Shelly Willis, Emily Borders, Gloria Jones, Nancy Weatherspoon, Laura McAlister, Jen Gash. Not pictured: Jessica Beasley.