Sunday, January 24, 2010

A word from our partners on the ground...

This morning, we drove through Port Au Prince, it often looked and smelled like the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Some of the worst parts of the city are by Moise Vaval’s church. We arrived at 7:30 am, and their corporate prayer had been going on for an hour by then. People sat on wooden benches that had been pulled from the destroyed church building. Consistent with Haitian hospitality, we were given the place of honor underneath the only tent they had. Just a few feet away the crumbled wall of their church lay on the ground. People came from the streets to worship. The same people who had their homes destroyed, who lost loved ones. These people sang praises to the Answer. For more than two hours they worshiped the King with all their hearts. The sun beat down, they lifted their hands in praise. Buildings fell, their belief in God still stands. Lives were lost, faith was found. After the gospel was shared, 14 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. “People are turning to Jesus” Moise said. Their hope is well placed. As they walk through the Valley, Jesus is with them. You are a part of His love here. Your gifts are being delivered. Your prayers are being answered. Thank you! May God bless your heart to help. Press on!

Reading this post encourages me and humbles me. I'm not sure where my faith, my spirit, my joy would be if I were in their place. As I pray for Haiti and the sweet children this evening I'm going to praise God for these sweet brothers and sisters. I'm going to think about this story--and so many others like it that have been told---for a long time to come. I'm humbled and, I have to say, amazed God can be glorified in settings like the one our partner at Global Orphan have described in this post. Amen.

This was a great morning at another church, Brentwood Baptist. I was so blessed to be able to sit with BBC's pastor, Mike Glenn, during each of their services and share with everyone about how you can help Sweet Sleep help the neediest little ones in Haiti.

BBC is in the middle of a great effort this week to help bring much needed aid to more of our partners in need. Check our website for more information. Contact us as much as you need to. We have until Wednesday night to get donations together for these children! Blankets, sheets, mats and so much more are being collected.

And....trips are on the brink of being sure to stay tuned!

See you in the next blog,

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