Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thursday in Balti

Well, my bags finally made it last night. We picked them up at the airport and then headed to Balti - we got the team house around 9PM. There's still snow everywhere, but it seems to be melting, at least off the streets.

This afternoon, we're headed to the orphanage in Falesti. The frames are due to arrive around 2pm and the mattresses are coming on a big truck from Chisinau later tonight. I suspect we'll be in Falesti pretty late unloading mattresses.

I hope everyone on the team is getting ready for the trip. Remember to bring a pair of slippers or shoes to wear just in the team house. When we come in, we take off our "outside" shoes and put on our "inside" shoes. You can walk around in just your socks, but I wouldn't recommend it - it's kinda cold.

Prayer request: Please pray that all the material deliveries work out, and that the orphanage director is accomodating.

Hope everyone's doing well.

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