Friday, February 06, 2009

Third Day Back....But Who's Counting?

Hello friends. I've missed sharing things with you. Let me get right to it.

It's impossible to share everything with you that we saw or experienced or learned about. I plan to continue my blogs here for a long while, so if you stick in here you'll learn more each week.

Since we're talking about counting...let me share some numbers with you that Stuart and I came up with in the O'Hare airport Tuesday night. Now, don't hold me to these numbers --since the jetlag was already startingto set in and we were just trying to stay awake to not miss the boarding of our last flight home.

In the last 16 days your beloved Sweet Sleepers have:
  • traveled more than 22,500 miles

  • flown on 13 airplanes
  • been in a winter climate, a summer climate and then back to winter --with a blizzard!

  • riden on 1 camel

  • taken 3 ferry/boat rides

  • danced with more than 748 mosquitos

  • run from 43 wild tree monkeys

  • had 7 different drivers and 1 breakdown

  • taken more than 1,800 pictures

  • loved on more than 3,000 orphans

  • visited 41 orphanages

  • given 5,962 handshakes
  • prayed 2,985 prayers

  • walked through 3 slums (the largest with more than 1 Million residents)
I've returned home incredibly stirred up for the work we have ahead of us. I'm grateful to be your ambassador to the orphaned and abandoned children of the world who are in need of a place to sleep each night. Thank you for the opportunity to seek out ways for you to help minister to the hurting and forgotten children of the world. I really look foward to tackling this need with you.
Blessings to you all.
See you in the next blog,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    You've done a fabulous job making the trip real and vivid. Keep up the great work!
