Monday, March 09, 2009

The Jig Is UP!!!!

Alright, Moldova. The Jig Is UP! It is not possible that the rooster, that lives outside the IMB team house, has lived since 2003.

We're going on 6 years of Sweet Sleep's ministry here in the beautiful country of Moldova. Every morning we've had a team in Chisinau, the rooster has crowed. Sometimes he's hoarse and sounds like he's dying. Sometimes he's full voice - like this morning. But regardless of how he's feeling, he's here - waiting for teams of Americans to wake in case they forgot their alarm clocks. I have fond memories of Betty Dickens, on a team with my church, calling desperate from Moldova to America asking us to please bring "noise makers" so she could sleep through the night. When we arrived, many looked like they needed a good night's sleep. I think there are things I romanticize about this place when I'm away... and then the rooster crows. :)

But wait - he can't possibly have lived this long! So I've figured it out. These Moldovans know the EXACT perfect mission experience and they've piped in the rooster sounds! That has to be it... Then I want to check this stuff out - are those pictures of Moldovan houses outside our window or is it real?

The reality of this amazing place is about to sink in for my new friends from Texas and Georgia today - and I can't wait. When we land in Moldova, it's dark. We don't see much but the light from windows in old apartment buildings and some dimly lit billboards. But today, the reality of this place will come to light.

As I look out on this city from our room this morning I'm reminded... we are in the poorest country in Europe. Every light in every window is a person, or a family who has endured much. They make generally less than a dollar a day, struggle to find work, to make a living - to survive. 97 percent of them do not have a relationship with Jesus. And we've come here to shine His light to these people that He created half-way around the world. Then I picture the thousands of orphans today in dimly lit halls on this gray morning in Moldova and can't wait to meet these children in Ivancea.

So whether the rooster is piped in or live and in living color - we may find out as the men go "hunting" for him this morning. :) But I know one thing - God has amazing things in store for us today in this land I've come to love so much.


  1. Ahhh, the rooster.

    Thanks for reminding us of the realities of the lives of those you are ministering to. I'm praying a lot for the team and can't wait to hear the stories and learn the names of those who God is blessing your paths with.

    Things are quiet here--I expect everyone thinks I'm with you all (moment of silence).

    Praying much for your week,

  2. ah...i'm wery jealous! i like your stories. keep throwing in some photos, esp of casa de, uh copii. hug all my buddies for me.
