Saturday, May 30, 2009

And they're off!

It's official! Our Brentwood Academy Young Life Team is en route to Moldova! 
After some last minute drama with Marty's missing passport (that's the reason he's not in this photo) Marty barely made it to the airport, the team finally made it through security, they boarded their flight and have arrived safely in Chicago -- they're now preparing to board their flight to Frankfurt. Please pray for safe travels as the team heads to Moldova and check the blog for updates from the team when they arrive!

Here's the whole team safe and happy on their journey. :)


  1. The group in the second picture looks much happier. Is it because Marty is now with them or that their parents are not? Looking forward to more updates as the journey unfolds!

  2. babrowners7:16 AM

    Hmmm... Something to think about Cathie.... Marty or no parents? LOL! Glad to see you have made one leg of your journey. Looking forward to smiles half a world away! :)
