Wednesday, September 29, 2010

40 Days of Prayer for the Orphan...begins TODAY!

40 Day Prayer Guide for Orphan Care

Today marks 40 days before National Orphan Sunday, November 7th. Over the next 40 Days Sweet Sleep invites you to be a part of a global movement to become advocates of children who are most vulnerable, the orphaned.

Pray daily. Pray alone. With us. With your kids. Your family. Friends. Bible Study. Church. Whatever you do, just pray for orphans!

This is only a suggested guide. You can add, change, or take out parts to have it
better meet the needs of your church and community. Use the simple suggestion
as it is or expand upon it as you feel led. Let us know what you change or add and help us respond to this better in the future. The most important part is to commit
to 40 days of praying!

Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”

1) Today, pray that the Lord would give you a personal sense of responsibility for the next 40 days (and beyond) for praying for orphans, your pastor, your church, and your community. Ask Him to break your heart for the orphans. Ask that He would help
you to see orphans with His eyes and His heart. Ask Him to use this 40 days of
prayer to change you and your church.

2) Today, pray for your Pastor to have guidance and provision as he seeks to
follow the Lord’s commands to care for the orphans.

3) There are 2 billion Christians in the world. If 7% would show hope to a single orphan, looking after the child in their distress, there would effectively be
no more orphans. Ask the Lord to convict the church around the world and show His followers of what we are capable of doing. Together, we are stronger.

I'm praying for YOU as YOU pray for the orphan!


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