Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gulu: One Advocate's Story


We asked one passionate advocate to share her story explaining why she's so compelled to help the children in northern Uganda. The following is taken from this month's e-newsletter (sign up at if you didn't receive this or, check your junk mail folder).

My name is Mary Meyer. I've followed and supported Sweet Sleep's work for years and love what they do for orphans around the world. For years I've been passionate about their work with orphans in Moldova, but recently heard of their work in northern Uganda and was moved to help.

Now, I don’t have an earthly motivation for helping these kids. I’ve never met them, never been to Africa, and I will most likely never meet them on this side of heaven. I am certainly aware of the love that God has for the orphan, and that when He moves on our hearts to give, I see it as more of a direct command from the Commander-in-Chief. I know that the desperate conditions in which these kids live are beyond my ability to comprehend. I know that they literally are living on the brink of death. I also know that Jesus said that the angels of these little ones continually see the face of their Heavenly Father. Can you imagine how they plead the cause of these children?

Years ago I really settled into the reality of knowing that the love I have for my children (my birth kids), is the same love that God has for all children, only His love is by far greater. We adopted four children from Moldova based on the knowledge of this love. I would have thought that that in of itself would “fulfill” my obligation to help with the world’s orphans. Having seven children certainly limits my ability to help with fundraising for beds. Yet, I’ve still felt and continue to feel a burden to help with these particular children in the limited ways that I can help.

$50 for a bed that will save a life. That includes a Bible that will save souls for eternity. Real hope. It’s an incredibly small price. There are times I stay awake at night in desperate prayers for orphans I don’t know. It makes no sense, yet it makes perfect sense. If one of my children came to me with a desperate need, and I could send another child to help them, of course I would do that. How much more does our Heavenly Father love us and desire to meet the needs of His children. He has chosen us to be the ones to fulfill the need. I believe my desire to help is based on the desperate prayers of these orphaned children – children of my Heavenly Father. The fact that He would trust me to help is in and of itself my blessing.


Gosh, does anybody else need a tissue? I'm so moved when I read of her burden to help as being a direct result of the cries of the children to their heavenly Father. I've never thought about it like that before, but it makes perfect sense that when one child (or 700) cry out to God, He would begin to move hearts of His people to be the answers to those children's prayers.

What a blessing of an opportunity, indeed!

Thanks friends. I encourage you to give, now. Please write "Gulu" in the memo. All your gifts are being matched right now. Talk about an awesome opportunity and an answer to prayer.

1 comment:

  1. I shared this on my Facebook page at
