Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A New Look for the Sake of Orphans!

Judy Clanin getting a nice new hairdo by Paulette Catt!

Ohhh the things we do for orphans :)

Amy Draves getting pied in the face by Taylor Morris.

In Amy Draves's 15 years as a Kids Pastor, she's never repeated a mission project.

Until now.

Kids at Wesley Free Methodist Church in Anderson, Indiana attending their Go Fish "Kickin' It Old School" VBS participated in Sweet Sleep's Build-A-Bed Project for the second time this summer. in 2010, these kids collected their largest missions offering to date - $1,000! The kids related so well to kids not having beds, pillows, blankets and Bibles - and they were so willing to help!

After the huge success of Build-A-Bed at their 2010 VBS, Amy decided to support Sweet Sleep with their offerings again - but this year, they wanted to challenge the kids to do even more! If kids earned enough money to purchase 5 complete beds for orphans in Haiti, at $167 each, Amy would get a pie in the face. If they raised enough to provide 7 beds, Judy Clanin, one of their amazing volunteers, would get her hair cut. One volunteer even challenged the adult volunteers to give and matched their gifts one night! On the final day of VBS, funds were tallied and $1,500 was collected for best for orphans! That was enough to provide 9 beds for orphans in Haiti! So you guessed it! Pies were thrown and hair was cut. The pictures above tell the story of leaders so dedicated to helping orphans sleep sweetly, and engaging their kids in meeting the needs of orphans, that they'll lose their locks and get meringue in their eyes!

Thanks Amy and Judy for inspiring kids at Wesley Free Methodist to help orphans sleep sweetly! We're thankful for you and so are the orphans now sleeping sweetly because of you and your sweet kiddos!

You can sign your church up to participate in Build-A-Bed by e-mailing kids@sweetsleep.org. For information about the program, visit www.sweetsleep.org/build-a-bed.

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