Saturday, February 18, 2012

Serving in Gulu

Today we drove to another distribution site, but unlike the others, it was much more rural and secluded. The need was great in the area, so the plan was to stay all day at the same site. We had a chance to play some games and have the children draw pictures for us. We also presented our standard service, which includes a demonstration of how to use the mosquito nets, a time from the Bible, and introducing the group to the natives.
But today was different. While the need was great at the first two sites, it became abundantly clear just how many children were in need for beds. As we were finishing distribution for the day, it was obvious that there were more children and caretakers present then we had bed kits to give out. The people were patient, but were very anxious to receive a bed. Health Alert Uganda was able to register around 70 people today and around 100 people from the first day. Even though we are giving so many beds away while we are here, there are still so many children that are in need of a safe place to sleep.
I have in my mind the image of one mother from today. She was crippled, and as she crawled away on a set of flip-flops made into kneepads, she climbed into her hand-driven bike with no bed for her children. It was a hard sight to see. Very hard.

Paul Williams

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Your last paragraph breaks my heart. I see, in my mind's eye, that disappointed mother who wants a place for her children to sleep. She'll be in my prayers tonight.
