Friday, June 04, 2010

Jesus loves the little children

The last two days have been so full I don't even know where to begin. Emotions have run the gamut, laughter and tears abound on all fronts, for all of us. It's hard to believe that we've finished the beds, and finished VBS with the kids at Ivancea. It's amazing to see how quickly and how well our team has gelled together in such a short time. Truly evidence that we are all one in Christ.

Yesterday, when we saw the kids at the orphanage in Orhei, I was overwhelmed by the thought that even though the world has deemed these kids as less fortunate or worthless because they can't move or think or talk like the majority of people, God sees them as valuable and loves them with an indescribable love. I loved seeing the kids' faces light up at the sight of a banana, and they just devoured those things with all that was in them. These kids love with abandon, and don't care what anyone thinks. They are free from the hang-ups and insecurities that most of us struggle with, and it gives me a glimpse of the life that God truly intended for us - living and loving life and being grateful for simple things like bananas and yogurt and hugs.

Today was our final day in Ivancea. Again with the emotions! Because of the big party we'd planned for the afternoon, snack time was taken over by craft time, and the kids made picture frames. We'd taken pictures of each kid, as well as their groups, and printed them off for their picture frames. Seeing the kids' faces light up and hearing their giggles when they saw their pictures was yet another highlight of such a memorable trip. I love their smiles. And do they ever love the chicken dance. We even finally broke through the Cafeteria ladies' Eastern European reserve and caught them chicken dancing! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!

And, I've been deemed an honorary Texan! I have yet to use "y'all" subconsciously in a sentence, but I've been practicing. When Texas secedes from the US, I've been invited to immigrate to the country of Texas. My stipulation was that the snakes stay in the US. I'm still waiting for the invitation to join the country of Tennessee.

OK, it's time to sign off. It's really hard to concentrate when you're being told you could offer yourself as a "mail-order bride" to a Moldovan policeman so that we have enough people to go bowling tomorrow night. There has to be another way.

1 comment:

  1. Just you wait until you come home and I catch you saying "y'all"... You'll never live it down! Hopefully you will catch them with an "eh" or two as well.

    Humour aside, this post is so beautiful and encouraging! To love so completely and wholly is something I think we all need to learn, as well as to accept such love. I get so excited when I see (hear/read) how God reveals Himself through children. His voice is sometimes strongest in the voices that get overlooked by society.

    God bless you and keep you!
