Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Different Kind of Dream

First of all, I need to say that the experience we are having here in Uganda has been nothing short of amazing.  I am so blessed to have the opportunity not only to go on this trip, but also to tell the stories to all you who will read them.  These are important stories.  Ones that might have never been heard.  There are lots of stories from today that I could choose to tell you about, but one story has stuck in all our minds today.  I’m humbled to be able to share it with you in hopes that somehow you will be impacted by it.  Here goes…

This morning we traveled several miles out of the town of Gulu to 2 different villages.  We had not yet traveled so far outside the town.  We were surrounded by all the images that typically come to your mind when you think of Africa:  mango trees, huts, tall grasses, hot sun, and many villagers.  They were all gathered under the biggest tree in the center of the village waiting for us as we pulled up with mattresses piled high.  They scream and clap and sing and are so joyful when we get out and mingle with them.  A simple handshake and smile communicate so much to these people.

We got started with our little routine that happens before bed distribution.  It was a smaller group today, so it was easier to talk freely with them and ask them questions.  Once Jen was done explaining why we were there and what they were about to receive, she asked if anyone wanted to say anything to our team.  Several stood and thanked us and told us they’d pray for us, but one individual said something that has changed the way I view the gift of a comfortable and safe bed.

A young girl stood up holding a sweet baby in her wrap on her back.  She started to speak, “We would never dream of having anything this big, this nice.  It is overwhelming.  We just can’t wait to touch it.”  Wow.  Really, you’ve never dreamed of sleeping on anything other than the dirt floor of your hut?  This is your biggest dream?  To have something like a comfortable bed and the safety of a mosquito net?  My heart sank along with the rest of the team’s.  I began to compare my dreams with hers and examine the things that I dream of and hope for.  The lists are quite different, obviously.  We were giving this child this bed, and it was a dream…come true.  The joy in the woman’s eyes and her heart just poured out on us as she continued speaking.  That’s the moment that I fully realized the impact we are having on these people.  I don’t have to worry about the general health and safety of my child on a daily basis.  I don’t have to worry about having access to my very own Bible (good grief, I have more than 5.)  I don’t have to worry about being cold at night because I have nothing to cover me.  This was humbling to say the least.  And I will never forget it.

God has allowed us to change these children’s lives.  To make their dreams come true.  And he’ll invite you to do the same.  What an amazing God we serve that can and will use us in this way?  This experience has changed the way I will live my life because I never want to miss the blessings like this sweet woman’s smile and her words to us.  I pray you’d also ask God to show you how you can serve the orphans of the world.  I guarantee it will change you, too.  In a good way.  In a GREAT way. 

Love from Africa,
Jamie Lambert

Give a Net Now
Sweet Sleep is distributing 1300 beds this week but crowds of people have come out of hiding on to register and receive beds. They will have to wait until our teams return this summer. We are committed to giving the children a life-saving net NOW. Will you help us make this possible by donating at least $8 today to Note "Gulu net" in the comments box.

1 comment:

  1. hey mv & tim! i have loved reading your team's blogs! such a blessing - thank you both for serving those sweet people. i especially enjoyed the paragraph you wrote:
    "driving down the road and looking out the window is literally indescribable and is difficult to put into words. It was like watching a movie! Fresh produce. Goats. Thin cows and giant poisonous storks. Fried meat on a skewer. Dusty mopeds. Wrapped up babies on mommies backs. Potholes. Thousands of waving children, curious and smiling. Handmade bricks, and huts of all shapes and sizes. Campfires. It was mesmerizing. Darkness came and we continued to dodge potholes, oncoming trucks, and pedestrians. The nighttime breeze was a welcomed change from the sun and dust from a long day of driving" - such a great visual for me! love you mv - can't wait to see you again! ~Lisa
