Friday, July 20, 2007

Home Sweet Home... or close at least

Ahhh... deep breath. Camp is over. Our last day at camp started with a bang... or maybe just loud singing. We were awoken by the Bethany church youth singing "ra-cha-cha-chi" "boom-boom-boom" at the top of their lungs at 5:00am this morning as a "treat" for us. Ra-cha-cha-chi is the only Moldovan song we know, so they kids sing it at us wherever we go. The "rachis" and the "booms" are supposed to be Noah building his ark. Apparently "caroling" is a big thing in Moldova, so they told us that they would sing until we came outside to have coffee with them. Several of us were very unhappy campers, but those who took one for the team were greatly rewarded. The sunrise was breathtaking, or maybe I was just holding my breath over the stench of the toliets, but either way, it was the only moment of peace we got all day. We were so grateful for the alone time with the Beathny team to encourage one another. They took such great care oа the kids this week, even the really really difficult ones.

By noon today, after packing and cleaning and prying crying children off of us, I was so exhausted I could barely stand. We were so amaingly blessed this week by a handful of awesome translators. One of the best, Dema Fry, invited us all to his family' house today for a traditional Moldovan dinner, which we were in desperate need of, after a week of PBJ. It was better than Thanksgiving! We were so happy to see ice that I think a few people actually cried! Homemade Galoush (sp?) which is like a cabbage roll with rice and meat inside, with sour cream which was to DIE for! Cold watermelon, vegtables, soup, bread, homemade juices... it was a FEAST! Needless to say, that food was sent straight from heaven (or Dema's Mama) but we are acutely aware of our wealth in America and how blessed we are to eat. Slova Domn nu loy... no idea how to spell it but it means Praise the Lord!

Answers to prayer:

1. I managed to make it all the way through leading a life-skills sex-ed class without blushing and the girls actually listened! They asked great questions and I pray that they continue to honor God with their bodies and minds!

2. One of my stand-off-ish older boys who had been very sullen all week long, came and sat beside me during worship last night and slowly but surely sidled up to me during the service. By the end, his head was on my shoulder and he was enraptured with the Passion movie being shown. It's amazing to see joy restored in his eyes and softness in his spirit.

3. God is continuing to protect us! Wasps, spiders, skethchy water, falling objects, and scary driving are just the begining!

Keep praying for our next few days... new orphanage tommorow... then Chisnau again then home! God with you, Many blessings, Amy

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